Perfect balance! It is amazing to see the different things people carry on their heads. |
Our driver took us for a ride through Mwanza. This picture was taken from up on some boulders. |
Boulders...Boulders...Everywhere. |
Who put the spotlight on my nose? Cruel. |
We just said "hello" and this little boy took off running..."save me!" |
Here's Dad in his Boundary Waters Mwanza, TZ. |
Here is one of the houses that is built on a boulder...firm foundation. |
Mwanza is like City of the Rocks only on a grander scale. |
This was a friendly little boy who scrambled up from his house to where we were taking pictures. |
Who are those two movie stars? President and Sister Broadbent! |
There were some beautiful homes nestled among the boulders. |
This was the middle-sized billy goat... |
There is such a variety of flowers in Mwanza. The Broadbents said it reminds them of Hawaii. |
These colorful lizards were everywhere...sunning themselves on the boulders. |
Down this road to the boardwalk and out to the lake... |
We were told that very few people swim in Lake Victoria because of a bacteria in the water. So sad. |
This is a big supply of charcoal which is one of the main sources of cooking fuel. |
Good place to be a cow or goat. |
Rice is a big crop in Mwanza. These people have dried the rice and now they are packaging it. |
Fishing is another big industry in Mwanza. |
This is the baptism font in back of the Mwanza chapel. |
Katherine and Dean, Your pictures are always fun to see. We have another delay...Oct. 1 now. No Visas yet. We are getting a little tired of the wait. Take care and keep posting those amazing things you are seeing.